April 18 2023
Voor het 5e Lustrum Symposium van de Vereniging voor Revalidatie bij Slechtziendheid (VRS) op 18 April 2023 hebben we een programma samengesteld met lezingen en demo's rond het thema "Zicht op Zintuigen".
Naast de lezingen van mijn collega's van Psychologische Functieleer, zal ik zelf ook spreken: over het tastzintuig en proprioceptis, hoe deze zintuigen samenwerken, wat er gebeurd met deze zintuigen als visus wegvalt of er nooit is geweest en hoe deze zintuigen veranderen als mensen ouder worden.
Zicht op Zintuigen
18 April 2023
12:00 – 12:45 Inloop met lichte lunch
12:45 – 16:45 Symposium:
Prof. Dr. Albert Postma - Ruimtelijke Aanleg: Aangeboren of Aangeleerd? (Met vleugje Molyneux)
Dr. Nathan van der Stoep - Zien met je oren en horen met je ogen
Dr. Krista Overvliet - Tast in de ruimte
Dr. Garmt Dijksterhuis - Blik op de reuk
Dr. Stella Donker - Zicht op evenwicht
Dr. Marnix Naber - Pupil perimetrie: Een objectieve test voor het gezichtsveld
17:00 – 18:45 Borrel met labtour en dynamische demonstratie labs
18:45 – 21:00 Diner Pi Balkon Educatorium
Lokatie: Educatorium Universiteit Utrecht. Zaal: Megaron.
Je kunt je hier in schrijven:
Accreditatie wordt aangevraagd voor oogartsen, optometristen, orthoptismen, ergotherapeuten, en klinische fysici.
March 7 2018
Our paper "Reward abundance interferes with error-based learning in a visuomotor adaptation task" is out now! We collected the data for this paper in Science Centre NEMO, check out the video below:
September 27 2017
New paper accepted in Journal of Experimental Child Psychology! "Haptic 2D Shape Identification in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults"
April 3 2017
Myrthe Plaisier and I published a new paper on haptic search in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance!
November 17 2016
Today we are holding the yearly Tactile Research Group meeting (Boston, MA)! The program can be found here.
July 29 2016
Katinka van der Kooij, Jeroen Smeets and I published a paper on long term motor adaptation in the European Journal of Neuroscience.
March 25 2016
Stefan de Graaff and I made a video about our experiment in Science Museum NEMO.
March 13 2016
The paper that Vanja van Aarsen and I wrote, titled "Perceptual grouping by similarity of surface roughness in haptics: the influence of task difficulty", is accepted for publication at Experimental Brain Research.
Februari 20 2016
From Feb 20th till March 6th we'll be running a motor adaptation experiment at Science Centre NEMO, Amsterdam! #ScienceLive (in Dutch)
December 20 2015
Experimental Brain Research accepted our paper "Rewarding Imperfect Motor Performance Reduces Adaptive Changes"
November 9 2015
The Tactile Research Group meeting will take place on Thursday November 19 in Hilton, Chicago, IL. We have a very interesting variety of talks this year! The program can be found here.
October 13 2015
Wednesday afternoon the 21st of October, Katinka van der Kooij will present our study "Long term adaptation: Time does not matter" in the poster session at the Society for Neuroscience conference in Chicago!
June 13 2015
I'm attending the International Multisensory Research Forum in Pisa, Italy. My poster presentation can be found here.
June 12 2015
On June 12th, I co-organised a scientific program at the Poetry International Festival: By Heart: Poetry and the Brain (together with Marjolijn Abel and Liesbeth Huijer). Adam Zeman gives a lecture on the effects of poetry on the brain. The poets Els Moors and Marion Poschmann will participate in and respond to Zeman’s research. Musician and composer Jan Klug will use the theremin, an instrument that responds to movement, to improvise on the scans that are shown.
May 18 2015
A new paper on naturalness perception in textiles is accepted for publication at 'Materials & Design'. This work is in collaboration with Elvin Karana and Salva Soto-Faraco.
April 19 2015
Bilge Sayim and I finished a paper on perceptual grouping in haptic vernier detection. It is accepted for publication at Vision Research.
March 23 2015
I'm co-organising this years' Dutch-Belgian Haptics Network Meeting at the VU University on the 27th of March. The program can be downloaded here.
March 16 2015
Myrthe Plaisier and I got our paper on perceptual grouping in haptic enumeration accepted in "Perception".
January 20 2015
Kim Verlaers and I published a paper on perceptual grouping in haptic serial enumeration in Attention, Perception and Psychophysics.
November 10 2014
A PDF copy of the poster I presented at the Psychonomics Annual Meeting 2014 can be found here.