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Overvliet, K. E., Postma, A., & Röder, B. (2024). Child development and the role of visual experience in the use of spatial and non-spatial features in haptic object perception. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 242, 105885.

Stroh, A.L., Overvliet, K.E., Zierul, B., Rösler, F., & Röder, B. (2024). Motor adaptation in deaf and hearing native signers. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, in press.

Hasenack, B., Meijer, L. L., van Harmelen, A., Overvliet, K. E., & Keizer, A. (2023). Longing for touch post-COVID-19: Current observations and future directions. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1–6.

Overvliet, K.E. (2022). The Influence of Aging on Perceptual Grouping in Haptic Search. In H. Seifi, A. M. L. Kappers, O. Schneider, K. Drewing, C. Pacchierotti, A. Abbasimoshaei, G. Huisman, & T. A. Kern (Eds.), Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications: 13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022, Hamburg, Germany, May 22–25, 2022, Proceedings (pp. 468-471). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13235). Springer.

Verhagen, P., Kuling, I., Gijsbertse, K., Stuldreher, I. V., Overvliet, K.E. , Falcone, S., & Brouwer, A. M. (2020). The Cross-modal Congruency Effect as an Objective Measure of Embodiment. In Companion Publication of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 107-111).

Janssen, C. P., Nouwen, R. W. F., Overvliet, K. E., Adriaans, F. W., Stuit, S. M., Deoskar, T., & Harvey, B. M. (2020). Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching in the Utrecht AI program: Why and how?. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 19(2), 63-68.

van der Kooij, K., van Dijsseldonk, R., van Veen, M., Steenbrink, F., de Weerd, C., & Overvliet, K. E. (2019). Gamification as a Sustainable Source of Enjoyment During Balance and Gait Exercises. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 294. 

van der Kooij, K., Oostwoud Wijdenes L., Rigterink, T., Overvliet, K.E. & Smeets, J.B.J. (2018). Reward abundance interferes with error-based learning in a visuomotor adaptation task. PLOS ONE 13(3): e0193002.

Overvliet, K.E. & Krampe, R.T. (2018).  Haptic 2D Shape Identification in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 166, 567-580.

Plaisier, M.A. & Overvliet, K.E. (2017). Haptic search for movable parts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(4),  741-748 (pdf). 

Van der Kooij, K., Overvliet, K.E. & Smeets, J.B.J. (2016). Temporally Stable Adaptation is Robust, Incomplete and Specific. European Journal of Neuroscience, 44, 2708-2715 (pdf). 

Overvliet, K.E., Sayim, B. (2016). Perceptual grouping determines haptic contextual modulation. Vision Research, 126, 52-58. (pdf)

Van Aarsen, V. & Overvliet, K.E. (2016). Perceptual grouping by similarity of surface roughness in haptics: the influence of task difficulty. Experimental Brain Research, 234(8), 2227-2234.

Van der Kooij, K. & Overvliet, K.E. (2016). Rewarding imperfect motor performance reduces adaptive changes. Experimental Brain Research, 234(6), 1441-1450. (pdf)

Overvliet, K.E., Karana, E., Soto-Faraco, S.  (2016). Perception of Naturalness in Textiles. Materials & Design, 90, 1192-1999. (pdf)


Overvliet, K.E. & Plaisier, M.A. (2016). Perceptual grouping affects haptic enumeration over the fingers. Perception, 45(1-2), 71-82. (pdf)


Verlaers, K., Wagemans, J., Overvliet, K.E. (2015). The effect of perceptual grouping on haptic numerosity perception.Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 77(1), 353-367. (pdf)

Overvliet, K.E., Wagemans, J., Krampe, R.Th. (2013). The effects of aging on haptic 2D shape recognition. Psychology and Aging, 28(4), 1057-1069. (pdf)

Overvliet, K.E., Krampe, R.Th., Wagemans, J. (2013). Grouping by proximity in haptic contour detection. Plos ONE, 8(6),1-6. (pdf)

Overvliet, K.E., Krampe, R.Th., Wagemans, J. (2012). Perceptual grouping in haptic search: the influence of proximity, similarity and good continuation.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(4),817-821. (pdf)

Overvliet, K.E., Azañón, E., Soto-Faraco, S. (2011). Somatosensory saccades reveal the timing of tactile spatial remapping. Neuropsychologia, 49(11), 3046-3052. (pdf)

Overvliet, K.E., Soto-Faraco, S. (2011). I can’t believe it isn’t wood! An investigation in the perception of naturalness. Acta Psychologica, 136(1), 95-111. (pdf)


Anema, H.A., Overvliet, K.E., Smeets, J.B.J., Brenner, E., Dijkerman, H.C. (2011). Integration of tactile input across fingers in a patient with finger agnosia. Neuropsychologia, 49(1), 138-146. (pdf)

Overvliet, K.E., Anema, H.A., Brenner, E., Dijkerman, H.C., Smeets, J.B.J. (2011). Relative finger position influences whether you can localize tactile stimuli. Experimental Brain Research, 208(2), 245-255. (pdf)


Overvliet, K.E., Smeets, J.B.J., Brenner, E. (2010). Serial search for fingers of the same hand but not for fingers of different hands. Experimental Brain Research, 202 (1), 261-264. (pdf)

Overvliet, K.E., Smeets, J.B.J., Brenner, E. (2008). The Use of Proprioception and Tactile Information in Haptic Search.Acta Psychologica, 129(1), 83-90. (pdf)

Overvliet, K.E., Mayer, K.M., Smeets, J.B.J, Brenner, E. (2008). Haptic Search is More Efficient When the Stimulus Can Be Interpreted as Consisting of Fewer Items. Acta Psychologica, 127(1), 51-56. (pdf)


Overvliet, K.E., Smeets, J.B.J., Brenner, E. (2007). Parallel and Serial Search in Haptics. Perception & Psychophysics, 69(7), 1059-1069. (pdf)

Overvliet, K.E., Smeets, J.B.J, Brenner, E. (2007). Haptic Search with Finger Movements: Using More Fingers Does Not Necessarily Reduce Search Times. Experimental Brain Research, 182(3), 427-434. (pdf)


Bialek,A., Overvliet, K.E., van der Heijden, G. (2009). On combining different psychophysical scaling methods. MINET Conference: Measurement, sensation and cognition (London, UK, 10-12 November 2009), ISBN 978-0-946754-56-4, pp 72-73.


Bialek, A, Forbes, A., Goodman, T., Montgomery, R., Rides, M., van der Heijden, G., van der Voet, H., Polder, G,Overvliet, K.E. (2009). Model development to predict perceived degree of naturalness. XIX IMEKO World Congress (Lisbon, Portugal, 6-11 September 2009), ISBN 978-963-88410-0-1, pp 2124 -2129.

Overvliet, K.E., Soto-Faraco, S., Whitaker, T.A., Johnstone Sorensen, L., McGlone, F., Heijden, G. van der. (2008). Measuring Perception of Naturalness. In: Spink, A.J., Ballintijn, M.R. , Bogers, N.D., Grieco, F., Loijens, L.W.S., Noldus, L.P.J.J., Smit, G., Zimmerman, P.H. (eds). Proceedings of Measuring Behaviour 2008 (Maastricht, The Netherlands, 25-29 august 2008). Noldus Information Technology, Wageningen, pp 86-87. (pdf)


Goodman, T., Montgomery, R., Bialek, A., Forbes, A., Rides, M., Whitaker, T.A., Overvliet,  K.E., McGlone, F.,  van der Heijden, G. (2008). The Measurement of Naturalness (MONAT). Imeko Symposium: Man, Science and Measurement. (Annecy, France, 3-5 september 2008), pp 31-36.


Montgomery, R., Goodman, T., Bialek, A., Forbes, A., Rides, M., Whitaker, T.A., Overvliet, K.E., McGlone, F., van der Heijden, G. (2008). Measuring physical and visual material properties to determine their perceived degree of naturalness. Materials & Sensations 2008. (Pau, France , 22–24 october 2008), pp 103-106.


Overvliet, K.E., Smeets, J.B.J., Brenner, E. (2004). Can Haptic Search be Parallel? Not when Using a Cross as a Target and Circles as Distractors. In: Buss, M., Fritschi, M. (eds). 4th international Conference Eurohaptics 2004. Herbert Hieronymus, München, pp 534-537.


In Dutch

Overvliet, K.E. (2010). Zoeken op de tast. Een onderzoek naar tactiele informatie-verwerking. Tijdschrift voor Ergonomie (4), 5-9. (pdf)
PhD Thesis

Overvliet, K.E. (2008). True as Touch? An investigation in tactile information processing. Published PhD Thesis. VU Publishers: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN: 9789086591787 (pdf)

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